
Just-add-water-when-required CSS animations
Animate.css-Dynamic is an attempt to make Animate.css dynamic in nature, in the sense, having control on animations, the basic idea is to animate the element when we want, and how we want, without need of changing anything in the source library {animate.css}.
Animations Demo
On Scroll of Window
The animation occurs/happens when the element is visible, the element is placed on scrollable window/document.
The elements contain class ani_{animation_name}, read more here.
Scroll on elements to see animations, scroll slowly for better observations.
Attention seekers
Back entrances
Bouncing entrances
Fading entrances
Rotating entrances
Zooming entrances
Sliding entrances

On Scroll of a Division
The animation occurs/happens when the element is visible, the element is placed inside a scrollable division.
The scrollable division contains class aniUtil_scrollDiv and elements contain class aniIn_{animation_name} read more here .
Scroll division to see animations, scroll slowly for better observations.
Attention seekers
Back entrances
Bouncing entrances
Fading entrances
Rotating entrances
Zooming entrances
Sliding entrances

Dramatic and Ordinary animations
Dramatic animations refers to the elements entering into view with animations dramatically, when scolled into view.
The element contains animation class with class aniUtil_dramatic to make it Dramatic, read more here.
Scroll on elements to see difference, scroll slowly for better observations.



Active and Ordinary animations
By Ordinary I meant, those animations which happens only once when scrolled into view, while Active animations happens whenever element is scrolled into view.
The element contains animation class with class aniUtil_active for Active animations and adding aniUtil_dramatic makes it Active and Dramatic, read more here.
Scroll on/off elements to see difference, scroll multiple times for better observations.



Active and Dramatic

Click animations
Animate on click , the element contains animation class with class aniUtil_onclick for click animations and adding aniUtil_active makes it Click and Active, read more here.
Click on element to see animation, click multiple times for active animations.



Click and Active

MouseOver animations
Animate on mouse over, the element contains animation class with class aniUtil_onMouse for MouseOver animations and adding aniUtil_active makes it MouseOver and Active, read more here.
mouse over element to see animation, mouse over/off for active animations.



MouseOver and Active

Key press animations
Animate on key press, the element contains animation class with class aniUtil_onKey-{key code} for KeyPress animations and adding aniUtil_active makes it KeyPress and Active, read more here.
press the desired key to see animation, press multiple times for active animations.

Installation and Usage
1. First Install animate.css library, read this.
2. Done with animate.css installation...? add Jquery to your website, 3.0 - latest, like an example below.
      src = "">
3. Now add animate.min.js library.
      src = "">
You can download the library from here and include it in you website.
      src = "path_to_library/animate.min.js">
Complete :
      rel = "stylesheet"
      src = "">
      src = "">
Place jQuery before animate.min.js, It's important. , jQuery dependency has been removed in v3.0.0
For specific version:
      src = "">
@main for latest version, @{version number} for specific version.
Note:- changes (release) on@main is not immediately available in cdn, better use @{version number}.
Basic Usage
After installing Animate.css-Dynamic, add the class ani_{animation name} where: {animation name} is a valid animation name from animate.css library, as in here.

<h1 class = "ani_bounce"> An animated element. </h1>
Advanced Usage
You can utilize the classes and functions from this library for advanced usage, I have listed few here.
  • Get animation classes
    You can use function get_aniClasses(regex/object/selector element) to get the animate.css animation classes.
    Suppose if you have element <span class="ani_fadeIn"></span> you get animate__animated animate__fadeIn.
    What can I do with this.? you got the classes, I just showed you what you can do, what you wanna do is your choice.

  • Get to know when element gets into view
    You can get the visibility of element on document view, using isScrolledIntoView(object element) to know the visibility of element.
    returns true if element if fully visible on screen, flase otherwise. Ex:-
    var element = $(".semeElement");//You can use javascript as well.
      if(isScrolledIntoView(element) === true){
        console.log("Yep fully visible");
    Yaah I know it's usefull, thank me later.

  • Make use of Utility functions and "animationend" event listener in pro way
    Use utility functions such as aniUtil_animate() in proficient way, make use of animationend event listener for your own customizations, nest event handlers for mutliple/chain animations.
    Some examples include custom animations tubeLight, OutIn, and yaah this one.

  • Supports for dynamically created/loaded elements
    If you are creating/loading elements dynamically, and you want to add animations to it?
    then add animation to the element and re-initialize those elements using view_Animations(), click_Animations(), hover_Animations() functions.
    Choose between these functions according to your nead, ie:
    • if created/loaded elements having ordinary animations, use view_Animations().
    • if created/loaded elements having click animations, use click_Animations().
    • if created/loaded elements having mouseover animations, use hover_Animations().
    • if created/loaded elements having dramatic animations, use aniUtil_dramatic().
    • if created/loaded elements having text animations, use aniCus_text().
    The example of this is, I have used these functions to re-initialize elements for animations when the division is reloaded using refresh icons .

Utility Classes
  1. aniUtil_scrollDivv1.1.3
  2. This utility class is a class for special division, in the sense, the divisions containing elements to be animated when these divisions are scrolled, as in here, without this utility class, the division is just a normal scrollable division, no animation will happen on any of it's elements.

    Points to remember:
    1. The division should be a valid scrollable division, with overflow: auto or custom for x and y axes.
    2. Do not forget to include class name aniUtil_scrollDiv.
    3. Do not nest this division inside multiple divisions, observed lot of times, when nested there are problems triggering onScroll event.
    4. The animation classes for elements inside this division prefixed with aniIn_ and not ani_, otherwise the animations on scroll go inappropriate.

    <div class = "aniUtil_scrollDiv">
        <h1 class = "aniIn_bounce"> An animated inner element </h1><br/>
        <h1 class = "aniIn_bounce"> An animated inner element </h1><br/>
        <h1 class = "aniIn_bounce"> An animated inner element </h1><br/>

  3. aniUtil_dramaticv1.1.3
  4. The simple definition of this class would be: It is used to make animations dramatic, as in here.

    Proper definition of Dramatic animations:
    The Dramatic animations make an element to animate and enter into view dramatically, in the sense, the element will be invisible on the page initially, and when it is fully scrolled into view (window/division or both) surprise...! get in/on/out to view while animating.

    <h1 class = "ani_fadeInLeft aniUtil_dramatic">Utility class for dramatic animations</h1>

  5. aniUtil_activev1.1.3
  6. The simple definition of this class would be: It is used to make animations active, as in here.

    Proper definition of Active animations:
    The Active animations are those animations which gets animated whenever the element gets in/off to view, hence the name. Ther is no limit on how many times the element is animated, it is animated whenever scrolled in/clicked/mouse over/key press.

    <h1 class = "ani_fadeInLeft aniUtil_active">Utility class for active animations</h1>

  7. aniUtil_onClickv1.1.3
  8. This utility class is used to animate the element on click, as in here, that's enough description already.
    Yes, you are right, I have used aniUtil_onClick on these refresh icons , nice observation dude.

    <h1 class = "ani_bounce aniUtil_onClick">Utility class for onClick animations</h1>

  9. aniUtil_onMousev1.1.3
  10. This utility class is used to animate the element on mouseover, as in here, that's enough description already.
    Yes, you are right, I have used aniUtil_onMouse for github icon on top left corner , nice observation dude.

    <h1 class = "ani_tada aniUtil_onMouse">Utility class for onMouse animations</h1>

  11. aniUtil_onKeyv1.1.3
  12. This utility class is used to animate the element on key press, as in here, the element contain class aniUtil_onKey-{key code}, where: key code is a valid keyCode visit here for reference.

    <h1 class = "ani_tada aniUtil_onKey-KeyK">Utility class for onKey animations</h1>

  13. aniUtil_onMouseRepeatv2.16.7
  14. This utility class is used to repeat the animation on an element until mouseout, the element contain class aniUtil_onMouseRepeat.

    <h1 class = "ani_headShake aniUtil_onMouse aniUtil_active aniUtil_onMouseRepeat"> aniUtil_onMouseRepeat </h1>

    Keep mouse on above element to repeat animation, remove to stop.
Also check out utility classes from animate.css library, here.

Utility Functions
  1. aniUtil_disable() v2.6.1
  2. This utility function is used to disable all/specific animation on page.
    Syntax: aniUtil_disable(string: which);
    where which can be one of below.
    which Description
    all Disables all animations, including custom animations.
    custom Disables all custom animations.
    seekers Disables all attention seekers animations.
    back Disables all back in/Out animations, both entrances and exits.
    backIn Disables all backIn animations, only entrances.
    backOut Disables all backOut animations, only exits.
    See More

    Click on buttons to disable animations.

    Reload to enable them back or click on enable buttons in below section.

  3. aniUtil_enable() v2.6.1
  4. This utility function is used to enable all/specific animation on page.
    Syntax: aniUtil_enable(string: which);
    where which is as same as in aniUtil_disable().

    Click on buttons to enable animations.

  5. aniUtil_animate() v2.6.1
  6. This utility function is used to add animation to a specific element.
    Syntax: aniUtil_animate(object/selector/regex element, string: animation_class/es);
    where element can be
    • an object(DOM element object) {eg:- this, document.getElementByID('mydiv')}.
    • a selector (typical selector just ilke in css {eg:- .someClass, #someID, etc.}).
    • a regex (regular expression) {eg:- class^='prefix'}.

    animation class/es is any animation class with prefix ani_, not only this you can also give utility classes with this {eg:- ani_flipIn ani_onClick aniUtil_active}.
    You won't stop there, you can also give some custom classes as well, why not.
    Not animating?, click on button to enable animation on specific element.

  7. aniUtil_inanimate() v2.6.1
  8. This utility function is used to disable animation on a specific element.
    Syntax: aniUtil_inanimate(object/selector/regex element);
    where element is as same as in aniUtil_animate().
    Click on button to disable animation on specific element.

  9. aniUtil_reset() v2.16.7
  10. This utility function is used to reset animation on a specific element.
    Syntax: aniUtil_reset(object/selector/regex element);
    where element is as same as in aniUtil_animate().

    The above element is already animated and it's not having aniUtil_active now you can just reset it so that it can be re-animated.

    Yes I have used this function for highlighting the heading after clicking slidebar item.

  11. aniUtil_flush() v2.18.8
  12. This utility function is used to flush animation classes from a specific element.
    Syntax: aniUtil_flush(object/selector/regex element);
    where element is as same as in aniUtil_animate().

    The above element is already animated, now you can just flush animation classes to make it a fresh element.

    You can see the classList of #flushElem

Custom Animations
  1. aniCus_clickDisabled v1.1.3
  2. This animation is combination of ani_shakeX aniUtil_onClick aniUtil_active animate__faster, and a custom border during animation.
    Hint:- Use this animation when you don't want user to click button unless some condition, and add aniUtil_disabled once condition is true.


  3. aniCus_tubeLight v1.1.3
  4. This animation is made with series of animations to form a single one.
    Note:- aniUtil_active is not recommended, as it will be expensive with respect to performance.

    Ordinary/When scrolled






    onKey: press 'K' to see animation v2.6.1


  5. aniCus_OutIn v2.6.1
  6. This animation first goes exit animation then comes back with entrance animation, that's enough as explaination.
    aniCus_OutIn-{exit animation}-{entrance animation}
    Example:- aniCus_OutIn-bounceOutLeft-bounceInRight
    well you can also give entrance animation first then exit animation, not only that, you can give any 2 animations, use it as you wish.


    See More

  7. aniCus_text v2.13.5
  8. A special kind of animation, which is applied on some text.
    Syntax:- aniCus_text-{animation_name}
    Points to note:-
    • You cannot apply this animation on non text elements. (simply useless)
    • The default delay for each letter is 0.1s varying (for ordinary animations only).
    • You can add utility classes as well, excluding aniUtil_onKey.
    <h1 class = "aniCus_text-fadeInLeft aniUtil_active">aniCus_text animation</h1>



    Click (usefull? You should know)




Seems interesting...?, more coming soon.

More Examples
Cat peek up.

This is just a beginning, you can do lot more, just explore...!

Seems interesting...?, see more here

Best Practices
  • Best parctices are included in animate.css library, as in here, there is enough explaination there, read it.
  • Do not use animations for large items especially if used in a grid system {eg: bootstrap grids}, it is observed to be inappropriate in mobile browsers, as in here.

Version and Release
  1. v1.1.3Pre-release
  2. v2.6.1
  3. v2.9.2
  4. v2.10.3
  5. v2.13.5
  6. v2.16.7
  7. v2.18.8
  8. v3.0.0Latest

Wanna track what next...?, see here

Known issues
  • The animations like (aniCus_tubeLight, aniCus_OutIn) can get interrupted while in animation, well only when scrolled off and on.
  • The overflow issue from animate.css library is now pretty much open especially when aniUtil_active is used and the solution is same as in here.

You can contribute to Animate.css-dynamic by,
  • Creating issue: - Create issue about difficulties/bugs or if you some idea/s for custom animations.
  • Creating pull request: - Well creating pull request is not straight forward here, you need to understand the working of library, if you have any suggestions or you have any ideas like new custom animations just go for it.
  • Submitting your animations: - You will find these animations in examples, note that the animation idea should be unique and kinda special.

  • Feel free to contact me for any clarifications :)

Core Team

Mohammed Khurram
Animate.css-Dynamic Creator

Animate.css-Dynamic is licensed under the MIT license. (

Fun facts
  • Should I call this a Library or a Plugin...? Lol.
  • The aniCus_OutIn-flipOutY-flipInY animation this one is really weird on firefox browser, why? IDK, ask firefox dude.

  • Thank you uncle Google, StackOverflow and others for helping me with this.
  • Special thanks to animate.css creators for such an awesome library.

Made by Mohammed Khurram with .